Friday, November 30, 2007

david coverversion: link wray vs. calexico vs. joy division

once again we've returned to the never-lets-us-down calexico. many of you might know main calexers joey burns and john convertino from their old band giant sand. giant sand being the brainchild of howe gelb, whose various projects over the years are all worth a look, especially arizona amp and alternator. but that's for another day. six string demigod link wray can be thanked by all youse not-super-precise slingers for being one of the first to bring distortion to the table. see 'rumble'. (obviously). he achieved that sound by poking holes in his amp speaker with a pencil. for some huge fucking shame, link wray has not yet been inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. why not you ask? probably because the voters are a group of righteously lame motherfuckers. at least that's my theory. i'm sure blondie and ratt got in their first time at the plate. link was also responsible for getting rockabilly back on the radio in the 70's with the albums he did with legendary rockbillyboy robert gordon. those records are totally worth tracking down and listening to over and over again. rockabilly!! whueh! calexico also gave a south-western fried version of joy division's 'love will tear us apart'. seeing that joy division will be appearing in a few future posts, we'll get down to those crunchy details then, ponce. also attached is the jose gonzales take of 'love will tear us apart' from the ep he brought with him on his 2005 australian tour.

joy division - love will tear us apart

calexico - love will tear us apart
calexico - falling rain
link wray - falling rain

robert gordon & link wray - fire
jose gonzales - love will tear us apart

ps. in case you were wondering, 'fire' was penned by the boss.

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