Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kutiman mixes YouTube

A few years ago I was shown Lasse Gjersten's videos where he "beatboxes" and plays drum set/piano by recording himself doing each sound effect/hit/note and cutting and pasting them to make full fledged songs.

Drum set/Piano

But that's OFN.

Earlier this week Steel Buddha has shown me something new that might be the greatest musical feat the internet has ever provided. Kutiman took dozens of videos off YouTube and cut and pasted them together to make Thru You.

Hit "play" and listen to all seven songs. Then go back to the first and listen, click "credits" and it will overlay the people whose videos were used. If you click on a name it will pause the song for you and open a new tab with the original YouTube video for you to watch.

I've listened to it all about 20 times already.

Truely badass.

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